Thursday, November 20, 2014

4-Dimensional Space-Time and Holographic Universe Part-3: The quantum Mechanics and The Creation

4-Dimensional Space-Time and Holographic Universe

Part-3: The quantum Mechanics and The Creation

       As per last part the we came to conclusion that about the nature of the matter in our universe, here it comes the profound about the existence of matter itself, as we know the matter, moreover the behavior and nature of atomic and sub atomic concepts are, evidently explained by quantum mechanics, and application of quantum mechanics. Now let us dwell into the level of matter perhaps take a journey into the deeper level of atoms, nevertheless, into the world of manifestation.
       Here, I’ll, the deeper level of atomics, call it as the manifestation is, because as told earlier the reality that we feel, that we live in is resultant of the unnumbered particles of atoms. Electrons, the revolutionary particle, was, found by J.J.Thomson, leads the race of importance among over 200 atomic and subatomic particles (we are in search of the basic building block of the matter, precisely, the atomic particle and in result today we are with the result sheet comprising over 200 sub-atomic particles, and the numbers yet to count). Again the electron is only the particle which is a mysterious particle ever known to human beings. As from its duality nature. Yes the double slit experiment did actually got the attention of all the Physicists throughout the world at beginning of early 1900’s. perhaps it (double slit experiment)is the experiment holds the credit of highest number of trials  done by most of the physicists/scientists in many part of the world.

       In simple and in brief, the experiment goes like this, when you fire an Electron through the obstacle with the single slit on it, to pass the electron, then on to the photo-detecting screen behind, we see the strip like pattern on the detecting screen. And when the same is repeated, along just a single change made is, a single slit is replaced with the double slits parallel to one another. The result expected is obvious, the two strips parallel to one another. But in reality it isn’t eventually. Instead we can see the fringe like pattern which runs middle-outside, i.e. the consecutive bright and dark fringes with highest intensity for middle bright and with decreasing in intensity as the bright and dark fringes runs along outside (both side) from mid one. So here comes like trivia about electron, so to know its nature, let us put a particle detector near to the slits where electron get pass through, then, again, evolved the mysterious paradigm result, that made physicist stun about the nature of electron. The result was a two strips parallel to one another without single sign about fringes. So, what’s going on?
By the time amazed with the quite mysterious result in hand, physicists, mainly to mention, Heisenberg and others are held with opinion that the pattern were labeled with the probabilistic wave nature of electron, eventually called as probabilistic wave. i.e. the electron exhibit the dual nature, mean to say, the electron exists, in, sometimes in the nature of the particle and in sometimes as a wave. Together all the consequence it is summed up as WAVITICLE (WAVe-partICLE) nature.

       If electron/light is probabilistic wave in nature, and, according to the standard model proposed by Neil Bhor, the atom itself is most of it is with empty space between the nucleus and to the electron orbits around the nucleus. In fact our all realistic experience are nothing than, perhaps the virtual. We live in a world which is almost Empty, that means Nothing. Our universe is made up of nothing, our reality, our surrounding and even we do.
       Years, precisely centuries before the evolution of mankind and their civilization, notable civilized people from the bank of Sindhu river (once flown about eastern and south-eastern part of India), civilization was called Indus. Eventually the people of India (named after Indus valley/civilization) were knew, from their greatest, oldest of all religion and the mankind ever known sacred scriptures, mainly to mention, Vedas, Upanishadas and Bhagavatam. They states the above discussed paradigm of virtual reality as Maya.

Bhagavatam states that the matter exists in two conditions:
              1.     Manifest condition and

              2.     Unmanifest condition
    When matter is transformed to a manifest condition the universe is created and when the universe is annihilated matter is transformed into its unmanifest condition.

       According the second law of thermodynamics, the entropy of an isolated system always increases. The entropy is a physical quantity, which measures the degree of disorder of a system. It is a common experience that entropy of a system must always increase if a system is left alone. One can create our of disorder, but that requires expenditure of effort or energy and so decrease the amount of energy available. Thus for matter to be ordered requires a conscious being! Without a conscious being behind matter, matters only tendency of the Universe to expand comes from the conscious being who activates matter by injecting consciousness into it!

To be continued...

Friday, August 22, 2014

4-Dimensional Space-Time and Holographic Universe.

Part-2: The Uncertainty Principle

    On the basis of above discussed paradigms we conclude as considering the basic foundation of quantum theory, we may, sometimes, get into scientific fictional cross over with the beliefs that mankind have ever adopted to himself, since before the introduction of the first telegraph, the first radio, the first cathode ray tube, perhaps the first electrical line or more precisely the evolution of the electricity itself. Moreover we may phrase it as Science.

            The sophistication in life by the science that gave us revolution in the civilization from bicycle to invention like Lasers, Radars, and Satellites up to the GPS systems, Transistors and the touch sensed (electronics) gadgets, are all the comprehensive results of Science. Well, of course, Physics is at the foundation of all the technology. As discussed in previous blog the four forces of nature govern our universe and yes, even our technology World Wide Web (WWW), Integrated circuit (IC’s) and etc. are outcomes of mathematical equations of quantum theory/mechanics, or result of thought experiment called the Schrodinger’s Cat proposed by the celebrated physicist Ervin Schrodinger. When we open up with quantum theory, it is, mandatorily know about the particles, indeed after atomic and sub-atomic particles, like electrons, study of its nature and their behavior, which is called as Electronics, has revolutionized the world with technology.

            The flow of electrons (current) is as the result of particle application obliged in the technological era that we live in. In fact the sophisticated life that we enjoy today might have not been manifested by then. Now a days into the deep down of the sub-atomic world, physicists have come to conjecturing the existence of some 200 sub particles until today, and obviously the number is in increase in counts. Particle physicists have divided all sub-atomic particles in three categories based on their masses from lightest to the heaviest, they are as follows:

·        Leptons or light-weight particles

·        Mesons or medium-weight particles, and

·        Baryons or heavy-weight particles

 Let us dig deep into the ‘Particle Physics’ aspect as we are already on to the mark to get start to travel into the very specific physics, to understand the working of the universe and as discussed earlier technologies. All we feel, touch, see and moreover, we, the human beings (Living things) itself are/is all manifestation resulted from the tiny particle itself. For sure, human being is made up of trillions of trillions of trillions of atomic and sub atomic particles. In fact all the physical laws, those governing our nature governs the human physiological life too. We can sense the touch, can feel heat and cold scientifically we allow electric charge (current) to flow through our bodies, accordingly even the beings are also called conductors.

But the quest about the ultimate building block that can explain all the happenings in this universe is yet unanswered. Perhaps what is Mass or Energy? What is the mass composed of? What is the smallest particle composed of?

Well the new branch of physics, which is emerged very recently, particle physics itself has no answer and the quantum mechanics/uncertainty do have either. The most celebrated physicist Heisenberg who himself formulated the ‘The uncertainty Principle’, quoted in The Dancing Wu Li Masters. Pg.216 as “In the light of the quantum theory, elementary particles are no longer real in the sense as objects of daily life, trees or stones”.

Heisenberg showed that subatomic entities like the electrons can never be measured or determined in ‘conventional way’ and hence there is and must always be a measure of ‘uncertainty’ or the ‘indeterminacy’ in our knowledge of the electrons, and it is called as ‘Uncertainty Principle’. It summaries and try to determine precisely the velocity and the position of the electron. But it isn’t true i.e. if we try to know the position of the electron, then we will end up with knowing almost nothing about its velocity, and vice versa. And hence this Principle also called as of ‘Principle of Indeterminacy’. The theory mainly insist us to make us to have a must knowledge to know the electron we must know the Position (where it is) and what will be its velocity. The ridiculous part of quantum cross over, comes in to picture, if one is known fully the other is bound to remain unknown. As from the thought experiment of the Heisenberg we can know that ‘something we have to use a light whose wavelength is smaller than the piece of interest. So he (Heisenberg) thought to use the gamma ray to test the theory, as the gamma rays will have the shortest wavelength. Moreover the gamma rays got not only the short wavelength, got much more energy than ordinary light too. So whenever gamma ray is focused on fast moving electron in its orbits, it illuminates the electron with on doubt, but simultaneously it violently knocks out the electron from its orbit and change in direction and momentum occurs in an uncontrollable and unpredictable way. Heisenberg mathematically calculated this quest in an equation:        

Where Q= uncertainty about Velocity of the electron

            P= uncertainty about position of the electron

            h= Planks constant (6.63*10-27 erg. Sec)

This means we could get both the velocity and the position of the electron with perfect precision. But since the ‘h’, the planks constant is fixed quantity, either of the uncertainty must remain.

And hence there is sense that an electron being not tightened up to stay in particular location or to follow just one path. It may be found anywhere in the universe, as It can be better studied with the Quantum Entanglement (will be discussed in upcoming blog).

Thursday, June 19, 2014

4-D Space-Time and Holographic Universe

4-Dimensional Space-Time and Holographic Universe.

Part-1: Overview


       Space, we feel it and we study is just considering at 600 km or just a little more or less above from Earth surface, having temperature atmosphere, over there fluctuate between -100 degree centigrade to +125 degree centigrade signs of no gravity, precisely zero gravity. Life, at this distant away from Planet Earth or beyond this, without the fundamental physical needs/supports for human being is very clumsy to live in space.
       Gravity is due to, according to Albert Einstein, is a result of space-time fabric of cosmos, made of 3-Dimension of Space and 1-Dimension of Time that make 4-Dimensional curve that result in what we Phrase as 'Gravity'. The presence of heavy objects like Stars, Planets and other celestial bodies in space which are freely suspended in the fabric of cosmos which revolve one another objects (celestial bodies) results in orbital movements in elliptical manner. Universal laws for gravitational force was given by sir Isac Newton in 18th century. Which, in brief, says that two heavy objects are attracted by one another with the force of attraction which doubles as the distance between them gradually decreases. Sir Isac Newton was not known by the time that how could gravity actually works. Well it was resolved by Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity

       The space is, somehow, as a arena for time travel makes some science fictional intervention, as the time travel is hybrid subject of both Special and General Theory of Relativity. That makes sense, common knowledge from Relativity, accelerating at nearly or equals to the speed of light can make good science fiction to Time-Travel. Traveling at equal to or nearly to Cosmic velocity (3 lac/million km/sec, in free space or vacuum) can make the time to freeze or stagnant, that you wont feel the time lapse. It is because as the light (ElectroMagnetic Wave) is the only contest that travels the maximum speed on the universe. Off course its a Hypothetical Theory at the end, it has mathematically proven and experimented by many physicists.

       Over all, in brief the forces that governs our cosmos are stated in four forces of nature those are:
                  1.       Gravitational Force.
                  2.       Electromagnetic Force.
                  3.       Weak Nuclear Force, and
                  4.       Strong Nuclear Force

       When the enrolled forces are detached and studied in dept the courser points to the most profound theory of our Technological era, yes it is Quantum Leap, the Quantum Theory. At precise level of understanding, quantum mechanics takes us a journey to an astounding in dept to dual nature of light, perhaps the particle nature of light, that sails us to deep into the ocean of particles, understanding of the nature of particles those govern the four forces of natures like Quarks, Gage Bosons and to be mention ‘Graviton’, which, according to the physicists, exert the word weakest force of four forces of nature "Gravity".

       In the contest of the particle physics the Ervin Schrodinger and many physicists believe that we can predict the thing in future up to some extent, indeed the predictability can be done once if we knew the exact position and velocity of photon at a single time, and hence we could predict the birth time of the universe. Perhaps human being are also physical existence of trillions, trillions, trillions and trillions of atomic and subatomic particles, and hence almost all the physical laws governing the universe applies to the beings, moreover the application can be enhance to the human beings in the manner that the human could realize his existence in this universe/world and also out of all beings on earth ‘Homo Sapiens’ are most intelligent. Intelligent means here, the ability to think not only at the present instant but can also have their thought into the future or thoughts of forward in Time, the  predictability can be applied to our future thoughts and this all predicting stuff can be summed up to Probable, and prediction world is called as the Probable world. This is called as Time cone in Space-Time dimensions in fabric of cosmos and the probable world that you choose from your consciousness/ thoughts, the resultant events are occurred are given as worldline that you have your own experience in space time. As per, in the case of beings, we all together are classified as Homo sapiens, will interact with the space-time (in precisely, our daily lives) with our mind entering into it. So let us have a deep look into the realm of science and the human conscious.

       To be continued in part-2...