Sunday, June 14, 2015

4-Dimensional Space-Time and Holographic Universe[part-6]

"At The Middle of 'Manifestation"

 The Uncertain Cosmos

On the occasion of celebrated century year of Albert Einstein's General theory of Relativity (1915)


       Evolution!, sounds always as the forward timely cosmic consequence that had put us to think as our own ancestors were actually the apes. If we do glance the study that was undertook by our forefathers, we can conclude our ancestors were certainly the apes. Many theories predict the evolution of mankind, Charles Darwin's 'Theory of evolution', for example, holds dominance among many.


       Similarly we have been already put behind with many theories those explain about the birth of the Universe. 'The Big Bang Theory' is to be accepted the most prominent among the many. The Big Bang Theory has been put forward to study the evolution of the universe. How much we can bank our belief on so-called evolution explaining theories? Moreover the theories all explained are as if just rewinding the life cycle much like running the videotape in backward. But could we take it for grant? It is much similar like measuring the age of a tree by its annual ring counts. Here we have a physical proof, the annual rings. Similarly the age of the universe is also measured in the same manner that is, to say, by running the universe backward from the current state to the time of Big Bang. But we don't find any meticulous proof in the either case.

               Indeed, from the theory of relativity, along with the most profound theory in the world of Astrophysics, the Hubble's law. Both theories combined together conclude us that the universe has had been started with the infinite space curvature (Well General Theory of Relativity comprises the gravitational constant which is, however states that the universe has been static but not expanding), a densely intensified space curvature where all the matter in the universe is densely packed up in a single point called the singularity and expanded drastically with an intense cosmic blast called the Big Bang. Ever since the Big  Bang explosion took place the universe is expanding. Let me outline the concept in brief, the Big Bang explosion happened, the universe was formed with planets, stars and other heavenly bodies and even galaxies were formed from the dust, cloud of gases and fundamental elements, precisely the particle. The Big Bang which was intensified within a point like form called singularity. And eventually all the manifested heavenly bodies were being formed with initial and boundary conditions. In 1920's Astrophysicist Edwin Hubble observed that the planets, perhaps the galaxies were speeding apart from the earth itself. Moreover, in fact calculations he did were accordingly to the relative distances between galaxies. Where according to the results obtained, galaxies were not only accelerating away from us (earth) with and also he concluded with mysterious that the farther the planet/galaxy were faster they were accelerated from one another. The whole observations were concluded by keeping the Doppler shift as foundation. Hubble concluded, from his all observations and calculations that the universe is expanding, in other sense the universe has been accelerated. That means to say the space itself is expanding. 


 (Image courtesy: Google images)

Initial and Boundary Conditions:

          Most physicist nowadays quote the universe as a balloon or a soap-bubble and we live on the extreme curvature of it. Obviously when the soap-bubble/balloon (on considering it similar to the space curvature of the universe) is blown, it is much similar as if the space is expanding i.e the two marked points on balloon start expanding when it is blown, and moving away from each other. Now here is no issues, everything  is perfect, the expanding balloon resembles the expanding universe and the two relatively dotted marks on balloon which are being apart resembles the planets and galaxies moving faraway from one another. 

         From above all paradigms we may in some sort conclude that from a thought experiment as explained bellow:

            Now, consider an empty box (mostly vacuum) of size 1*1 foot place an empty balloon in it that is to be blown. When it is blown it expands until it reaches the volume of the box, in other sense the balloon after blown will expand till reaches the vicinity of the box. No further expansion of balloon is observed indeed. This is to be the boundary condition of the universe as we don't have even an idea about the halt of universe. How must one can state its boundary conditions. In fact, if universe is expanding till now, then does the apace hasn't reached its boundary yet? or does actually universe  possesses the so-called boundary condition nor does it keep on moving regardless with the Time.

       Let us consider two cases namely the  macro universe and the micro universe. Now consider the first case.

The macro universe:

        As it describes the universe that we observe and beyond our reach, precisely the heavenly physical universe, the stars the planets and the galaxies. As in our ancient times we are just amazed what would have been our own solar system and in mean time what it was up to. And in more recent years we are capable of predicting the existence of the parallel universes, multiverse  and the higher dimension among the space as well, which are not reachable to our own scientific comprehension, which are beyond the chaos among the space. In a word it may be called the coherent dimensions of space.

            Space a dominant aspect among of the macro universe perhaps comes next, the hypothetical models that could explain the giant nature of the universe like its expansion initial and boundary conditions. And the newly added members of discussion, the dark matter, dark energy as well, to mention.

         As the voyage by the ever since man-made satellite, the voyager which is crossed our own solar system and still it is on its march. Yet, we are not certain about the initial and boundary conditions but, however we do have some mathematical conjectures those could explain the Initial and boundary conditions of cosmos. The Hubble and the very most recently launched space telescope which is named after the Johannes Kepler, the “Kepler” telescopes are working with full on effort in search of the planets or solar system resembling our own. To write it in a precise sentence, we are in search of the human life beyond our habitable planet earth. Well from common expedition we have been coming up with acknowledgement from so mentioned giant telescope floating in space revolving the earth is that we are finding more and more chaos within the observable universe to mankind. Indeed, they may have too far than they are measured distance and their noted physical conditions. Yes of course, we can be said so, as the distance is too far from us that the light has to travel too long to reach us so. And in consequence the changes has happened are so certain.

         Kepler has been set its eyes to find out earth like planets far and far away from our home planets day by day we are (Astrophysicists)are coming with the more and more findings of stars planets, stars and even the galaxies and their natural satellites which are being in Goldie Zone (the distant area within which can a planet be in habitable zone) "KOI (Kepler Object of Interest) 701" (Also known as Kepler-62e-exoplanet and kepler-62f-exoplanet) is  found very recently by the Kepler. (more info and source link:


Some brief details of above mentioned exoplanet is given bellow.

        Kepler – 62e exoplnet: A super earth like planet in a ‘Goldie zone’ (a habitable zone) in 18th april 2013, of a star smaller and cooler than the sun located about 12000 light years from earth in the constellation Lyra.

         From all the scientific expeditions, we usually think that our universe is vast nearly contains the endless collection of the stars and galaxies. What if our universe is just one of many could we live in multiverse or one with parallel universe?  Containing other galaxies and possibly other earths? It isn’t a just a question of science fiction. Many physicists are taking this question pretty seriously  mainly to mention to the string theory which was an unsung theory that was published in 1960’s and got eye catch of almost all the theoretical physicists from very recent years (More source after String Theory can be found online, and also will be explained in coming blogs). To quote in a single phrase the String Theory is a theory attempting to accomplish the goal of unification, i.e. The Unified theory, that combines the two theories in the world those governs the universe, The General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanical theory. And physicists do believe that the string theory could explain the physical nature of the universe indeed, and hence forth the emergence of the parallel universe and multiverse.

         From the string theory explains and most theoretically believed multiverse models are as follows:

1. The Inflationary multiverse

2. The Quilted multiverse

3.The Quantum multiverse, and

4.The Brain multiverse.

 (Courtesy:  Nova: 4 multiverse You might be living in)

        Among above all, The Inflationary Multiverse and Quilted Multiverse are proven experimentally (will be explained in upcoming blogs) and we (the theoretical physicists) are yet to figure out the proof for other two models, The Quantum Multiverse and The Brain Multiverse. And yet we are onto compensating the proven multiverse. There we are, null conclusions that have been facing again and again from newer theories as we are through with the older one. Mean to say, we are not precise about our macro universe after ages of expeditions and theories.

Micro Universe:

       For every physicists at some time for sure they come up with the question what would be the very basic fundamental building block of matter and of course it is most "must FAQ been nowadays. Indeed in the early 20th century everyone was set their interest on subatomic level when J. J Thomson found the 'electron', a sub atomic particle charged negatively perhaps by its mysterious nature the electron itself dragged almost all the experimental physicists and theoretical physicists as well. 

        From the Newton’s assumption comes the mathematics which has given us the buildings, machine guns, bridges and the spacecrafts, is based on idea that the space is continuous. In another way we could travel in on to any level we wish to like and without seeing it break up into pixels. If you hold your two fingers, say 1 cm apart, you may from your comprehension be able to measure it as 1 cm or 1×10-2 meters. Let’s assume that the subject is the hydrogen atom. The electron orbit resembles much like our own solar system. It seems, as per our perspective the matter is packed as if we have a strong solid. But as said earlier if we travel in on to deeper level, mean to say, at the microscopic level, an electron revolve around the nucleus in a circular, fixed energy states or level called orbit, as from the Neil Bhor’s model (model excepted universally). The distance between the energy levels (electron orbit) is much more than we perceive at our common view. If we believe that there is a continuous space, from Newtonian mechanics or classical mechanics, between those electron and nucleus, then we believe that there is a bunch of infinite points between the electron and the nucleus. That’s completely unreasonable. So what is space then? And what are particles composed of?

       Sub atomic particles, yes, indeed the atom, perhaps the nucleus is sub divided into many and many subatomic particles when we travel in on to the deeper level of micro universe. In fact the quantum mechanics predicts that we are bound by the quantum wave functions that guide the entire micro universe. The wave function predicted by the quantum realm applied to electronics makes us to take the physics into the philosophical underneath to conclude whether the building block for modern computing era, the electron is in fact a wave or particle. If electron is particle, then particle of what, if it’s a wave, then wave of what function. In a single instance it seems that we have entered into scientific relevant philosophical standpoint, that never been given a particular definition. Instead, we are been set our own sail to understand the fundamental building block responsible for all the matter underneath the manifestation.

       Quantum mechanics indeed is the great development of early twentieth century. In fact the mechanics from its owed theoretical conjectures and experimental conclusions from all over the world describes the tiniest building block of the manifestation. In fact the particle which is been dominant over all the remaining aspect, and which every part of our day-to-day life is wrap up with, like from LCD, LED and NEON signboards to the MAGNETICALLY LEVITATED TRAINS (maglev trains), MRI SCANNING MACHINE, THE LASER and many are governed by the Electron. The electron in the world is nothing but the hybrid of the ball and the wave, the waviticle (WAVe parTICLE) properties, in olden days electrons are intended to implement in analog circuitry, revolutionized with the analog technology by the help of wave nature of electron, and after once the electron has been took into consideration as a particle and again there was a revolution of the digital world. Perhaps we, as a perspectives welcomes electron as a hybrid of two, wave and particle nature.

       Indeed Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, a consequence quantum mechanics, we cannot conclude the position and velocity of an electron simultaneously. That mean to say is the we cannot predict the existence of electron at an instance, either the velocity at a time. There is always will be an uncertainty in the measurement. A further development in Quantum mechanics tells us that the electron can exist at any position at a time with probability. Let suppose you have a particle and you are being insisted to measure the position ‘ᵡand to measure its momentum too ‘p’. the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle concludes us with that the more we are intended you are about the position of the particle the less precise you can be about momentum of  particle and indeed vice versa. Now, say, momentum to good degree of accuracy your uncertainty about position increases. It’s not that particle is somewhere definite but you just don’t know where, rather the particle is, in some sense, in many locations at once.  ‘Δᵡ for the uncertainty in position and ‘ΔΡ’ for the uncertainty in momentum, the principle is encapsulated by the inequality.

                                  Δ ᵡ  × ΔΡ ≥h/(4*pi)

Here ɦ is planks constant. Which is ɦ=6.62606957 × 10-10  m2 kg/s.

       But the inequality shows that Δx  and ΔΡ cannot simultaneously become arbitrarily small.

        After the invent of the electron every physicist were raced to the level of atomic and sub atomic, moreover these levels were hidden mysterious to the scientists of the time. The photon and neutron of the nucleus were found during latter times were the point of attraction as everyone thought that by making apart or breaking them down would reveal the building block of the matter. As the time went on a new branch of physics emerged having intended to find the fundamental particle which could make up all the matter, the manifestation ultimately the Universe.

       To define in a conventional way, the particle are divided into three categories literally the Standard Model(SM) of the elementary particle that makes up the universe and they are as follows:

  • The Leptons

  • The Quarks and 

  • The Gage Bosons.

          According to the basis of a model all the elementary particles should be massless. And the model explains how these particles attain the mass, and the model  is called as Higgs Mechanism. So, finally we come with the very recently discovered Higgs Bosons. 

(Image source: CMS LHC Geneva Switzerland )

           As we travel deeper into the atomic and sub atomic level, our intention to find the fundamental building block revert us to find more and more sub atomic particles instead. And, yes, of course not, the fundamental one. New theories that are been set on stage are the dark energy and dark matter. Astrophysicists quote from very most recent findings  that empty space is not the empty as we see it, but, invisible matter, unpredictable for our general concise and very true in transience.

         Considering the Higgs boson as fundamental particle  the empty space between the electron orbit and around the nucleus of the atom still remains mysterious as considering from Bhor atomic model. In other words, we after all finding more and more sub atomic particles, the gap between (must say empty) the electron orbit and nucleus remains unreasoned. However we are still lagging to understand why, the atom is almost empty . Eventually the whole universe is empty.

The smallest length:

              Something curious happens when you try to combine quantum mechanics with relativity. To explore a region of space you need to send in a probing particle (typically a photon, a particle of light) and observe how that scatters off whatever objects are inside the region. Now if the region ‘R’ is tiny, with a very small diameter Δᵡ, then as a consequence of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle your probing particle’s momentum is "spread" over a large range ΔΡ which includes very large momentum. But a large momentum means a lot of energy and energy is related to mass by Einstein’s famous equation


           Where E is energy, m is mass and c is the speed of light.

               So localizing a particle in a very small region means concentrating a lot of mass over there. If the region ‘R’ is sufficiently small — if Δᵡ is below a certain critical value — then the mass of the probing particle is so great that a black hole forms and swallows both ‘R’ and whatever is inside it. The crucial size is given by something called the Planck length: it’s 10-35 meters. This is unimaginably small, but nevertheless it’s not zero, so anything sufficiently small is, according to this thought experiment, forever hidden from view.

        This concludes us that at bellow Planck scale it makes no sense to talk about distances and length. But does it mean that we just can’t see anything smaller than the Planck length, or that something smaller does not exist? As a consequence space itself can be thought of as made of individual units, of Plank-length ‘atoms’; you cannot simply can’t zoom in on it any closer. “I think we have a good reason to believe that space-time is made of atoms. If you hold your fingers those 10cm apart, there is a large number of physical points between them, but not infinity of them.

        The reasoning that gave us the shortest length came from a naive attempt to combine relativity with quantum mechanics. It turns out, however, that such a naive attempt soon runs into trouble, giving rise to contradictions and non-sensual predictions. Physicists have not yet found a fully-fledged theory of quantum gravity. There are exotic contenders, for example string theory and loop quantum gravity. "String theory and loop quantum gravity agree that there is this fundamental scale, but there are other approaches which don't exploit this predictions."

        But can we test the idea experimentally? First of all we should be clear that short means really short, there is the same ratio between our size and the size of a proton as there is between the size of a proton and the Planck length. It is tiny. Probing anything approaching the Planck length requires energies that go way beyond what current technology permits.

       “I think that if one day we will see the signature of the discreteness of space-time this will be in cosmology," says Vidotto. A theoretical physicist from Cape town, "Such discreteness may have left a small imprint in the Cosmic microwave background (the left-over radiation from the Big Bang) from which we extract information about the seeds of the structures that we observe in the Universe today; stars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies and so on. Maybe one day we will be able to understand how these seeds arose as a direct result of quantum discreteness."

        There is also a remote possibility that help may come from the other end of the Universe. The supposed atomic structure of space-time may modify the speed of light. By observing light that has travelled across vast distances from the furthest reaches of the visible Universe, we may be able to detect the resulting time delay. "We have the technology to do this," says Vidotto. "A few years ago the MAGIC TELESCOPE did measure such a time delay." But one measurement is not sufficient to draw hard and fast conclusions, especially since the physical processes involved are not yet fully understood.

        From above all the discussion we come up again at the level of micro universe that we are not been able to trace down the fundamental existence of nature perhaps the matter or the manifestation, we may call at micro level, and eventually the whole universe. we aren't concluding our own presence, our own existence at a strong stake as because of the uncertainty resulting from physical experiments that shows again and again the emptiness covered  the entire Universe. We can put it as if we are totally uncertain about the micro universe (universe at micro level) and the macro universe (universe at macro level) indeed about our own existence on this universe.From all the measures and acceptance, the macro and micro universe are almost all are being beyond our reach, theoretically and experimentally. Not even having a single thread of evident of our own existence on this universe as comrade tug of war between the Macro Universe and Micro Universe. We, the Human beings are setting flag achieving milestones in both the micro and macro universal, conceptual has been still wandering about their own existence as we are also however described physically and biologically splendid of the physically manifestations and we always stay imbibe and can have a saying as we are “AT THE MIDDLE OF MANIFESTATION”